
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Day 4 Finalizing our Class Blog Project

Learning is fun and more exciting when we see our peers and friends in class value each other's ideas and opinions. Our professor, Dr. Matilda N. Rivera is very patient and is always willing in showing us the process on how to create this project. We are all learning from each other as we teach and guide every member to go through the step by step direction on creating a page on a blog, inserting an image or a video or using the basic windows keyboard shortcuts. Our theme for our group blog is about "We are More Alike than Different." Finding similarities rather than differences is a great way of enouraging individuals or students to succeed in their education. We are like crayons with different colors, but we are all alike and special in many ways. https://giphy.com/gifs/Crayola-melt-crayon-crayola-S72QEV5YfVl4mRrakS


By: Crayola @Crayola

Day 4 - Blog/Anthology Finalization

Day 3 -- Blog / Anthology Brainstorming - Designing Continued

It was an interesting session today .. good questions that the brave Ms Rose asked, for the rest/most of us .. muchas gracias! 

How to extract/get and post a GIF (this I'm still trying to work on) .. need to cite the source. 
The Blog is a website, it archives information posted with timestamp. 
A reminder to register for this class with PIP We can work in groups.
Kinder, and CHamoru .. for the Blog Presentation. 
 An invitation was extended to the class to attend the Work Session tomorrow at 11:30 am .. Guam Preservation Trusts "Ekungok I Estoria" Ta'lo (part 2) .. Garcia (St. Joseph Church), Dirige (Talifak Bridge) and myself (Fort Santa Agueda) are involved with writing a story about our selected Historic Sites. Other aspects to the Project: Music and Song to be created/composed by Jessie and Ruby, PBS will video record the story line of the site, cultural dancers will choreograph specific dance for the story/site. Preservation Trust has a gathering at Washington DC in November .. likely a trip out there to show case the stories which will be a lead in presentation for the Nation to follow. 

 A whatsApp group chat will be created as additional means to keep informed .. it's an interactive and interesting chat group: sharing "stickers" and cooking demonstration! 

 .. ok .. this is what I thought was lost .. but it's still here .. didn't save/publish it but .. I'm not going to let it go. Will just be another post from me. This is a trip to Washington State (8.6.2014) .. in Seattle at Pike's .. first StarBucks! .. I'm needing coffee now. I was in a meeting tonight 6:30 to 10:45pm .. too long .. where's that coffee?

Day 3 - -Blog/Anthology Brainstorming - Designing Continued

Oh goodness .. a bit of sadness .. i was about to publish what I've entered, then my curser went over the tabs and poof .. the window's gone. I can't repeat exactly what I've written but I'll try to get it going before 11:59 pm Interesting question by Rose .. about GIF's. Thank you Rose for being the braveheart! I'm still trying to learn it. The class was invited to attend the workshop session at the Lujan House in Hagatna. It's Guam Preservation Trusts Project: "Ekungok I Estoria-ta" Ta'lo (part 2), at 11:30 am 4.1 Yes, I'm legal and registered. A reminder to class members to register with PIP. The Blog is a website that archives with timestamped. I forgot about the Blog site I started back in 2015. This I have to revisit and keep it actively going. Again with Rose's suggestion to create a whatsApp chat group, you did Dr. Rivera .. another means of keeping in touch and this we did, especially sharing the "stickers" and even a video recording of Anag doing a cooking demonstation - chicken tinola. I'm going to try this out! Another Invitation to attend the Resolution presentation .. Silebration Gupot CHamoru .. live broadcast at 4:00 pm. Thank you for being there this afternoon Dr. Rivera (travelling on the go), Senora Dirige, Senora Castro, Administrator/Principal of JMGuerrero and myself .. Biba Mes CHamoru .. Biba CHAMORU!!! Reminder to post an entry in this blog and comments with classmates posts. .. sitll time to do this!
Sharing a PIBBA Conference Trip .. June 24, 2014 .. preparing gifts before the PA'OK Ceremony at a Latte Village Site

Day 3 Gif


Buenas yan Håfa Adai,

Yay!  I was able to insert a gif.  I choose this particular one because it could pass for our lovely island of Guam. 


Tiningo' Animation/Learning Animation Sites

My third day was definitely a plus to learn about all these different sites to do animations for teaching and making it fun and exciting to learn for all diverse students. I also learned that sources are important which I take forgranted at times especially when it is a free source. I need to remember to add the sources of my sites. In addition, Thank-you ! Ms. Rose, for asking questions and going through the steps with our professor. It really does help. I say I got it but, I forget and don't get it afterwards. I know that it is pertinent to learn all I can using these technology in searching for sources because it makes a teacher open to more opportunites to enhance and enrich all students. I love it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Day 3

Our group (Liwanag, Mae, Rose, Sylvia) is still working on our group blog. So excited to learn how to do "GIF" and more! Thank you, Dr. Rivera! 

Si Yu'os Ma'ase, CHamoru Sinoras, for inviting us for the Storytelling at Guma' San Jose (Hagatna) at 11:30 a.m.


Animated GIFs in eLearning - A Must-Have Microlearning Asset


Day 3 - Working on our Project

Guam is where America's Day begins! Our group is still working on our project for this class blog. Be Kind - https://giphy.com/stickers/Yours-Clothing-kindness-be-kind-bekind-YOf3RBVSxxz5Ggt40p


Be Kind Gif By: Yours Clothing@Yours_Clothing Computer - https://giphy.com/stickers/computer-cloud-wifi-mAZf4H4Pi0wwlj3ZAw


Computer Gif By: Leban Teach Tech@Leban TeachTech

Zoom our Life Away

                                                             Source:  Wikipedia

  Too many Zoom meetings -- going crazy!  Love you all!


Rose M. Castro


Source:  Color Vows

Day 3 - Blog/Anthology Brainstorming/Designing

Day 2- Multicultural Importance and Educational Technology



  Guam, a multicultural society! When I first came to Guam in 1998, I felt a sense of security instantaneously. People in Guam have different ethnicities, races, and nationalities that live together in the same community just like my family and I(Asian + American). In a short period of time that I was in Guam, I’d seen the way the people celebrate their own unique culture in their ways of life, their dialects/languages, arts, foods, traditions/beliefs, and as well as their behavior. I left for two years for the mainland and came back in 2000. I have noticed heavy multiculturalism and diversity in Guam. Today, and not just in Guam, but anywhere in the world, workplaces, and schools are increasingly made up of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. Technology across the world, has recognized, adapting, and learning about these various groups. Through technology, the communities are building trust, respect, and understanding across all cultures. Guam has a truly diverse society because people here has strongly valued the cultural differences within.

 In most places that I have been with multicultural and diverse society, people are given a chance to an educational equity, and chance to grow to their fullest potential cognitively, academically, and effectively.

 While the truth remains that we are living in a society that comprises various ethnicities, cultures, and people have different origins and backgrounds are sharing the same place or city for living, there are benefits acquire from all these such as becoming a unique and attractive country.I can also claim that there are negative and positive outcomes of having a diversity society. Again, through technology which has been the gismo for everyone in the world, we are able to communicate and share.

 In addition, I also consider Guam a Melting Pot Territory. Folks that are able to migrate here in Guam just become fully assimilated into the culture and become one of them. Some remain loyal and keep their identity or at least one of their most valued culture and just mix themselves like a salad ingredient and still prefer to have their very own salad dressing. 

 Moreover, technology integration becomes an integral part of classroom productivity-learning. Technology integration goes beyond program users to the application of computers for purposeful, productive, and challenging educational endeavors. Technology becomes an essential part of the curriculum and learning activities. Therefore, learning with computers becomes meaningful, practical, and transferable to the diversity of the world beyond the school.

In conclusion, using the technology and by associating what we’re learning, sharing experiences, many cultures became less foreign and more tangible for a lot of people.





Day 1-Reflection- Navigating into Educational Technology with Dr. Rivera!

 Sylvia O. Taylor, Librarian

UPI Elementary School

Married to Dr. Steven E. Taylor for 35 years

Sons: Jeremy Edward and Robert Theodore

Pre Assessment Survey:
1. How long have you been teaching or held your position? 10 years

2. How would you rate your overall skill in educational technology? I am proficient with my technology skills.

3. Describe the technology you currently use: Promethean Board, Computer, Ipod/Ipad, Video Conferencing Equipment, Camera, Cell Phone, Scanner, Printer, Headphone



Mr. James Banks has provided a resourceful framework that he's proven successful. Content Integration, Knowledge Design, Prejudice Reduction and Equity Pedagoy infuses an array of connectivity for students to be aware that there are other peoples (enthnicity, livelihood, etc) in regions revealed as new to them. To be able to learn, understand and value their place and contributions. The reform approaches definately needs to be re-evaluated to move with the ever changing world we live in, the movements of peoples to regions not originally their 'homeland' and integrate shared knowledge to be in harmony with each other. Educational Technology points out 5 main advantages: 1 - Independent Learning for Students (surf the net, quick access), 2 - Easy Access of Information (computer use), 3 - Promotes Exciting Ways to Educate Students (using their devices 'gadgets' to arouse their interests), 4 - Broaden the Mind (exposure to what's beyong home knowledge), 5 - Prepares Students for the Future (collaborate and communicate early, familiarity, comfort.) At an early age (toddlers) children are exposed to different forms of technology use. I see this as taking away social skills or that it hinders these skills to build a well rounded individual. Each child has multiple intellegences that should be developed rathen than to stifle. The Resourceful Educational Blogs: PIBBA, TeachThought, Teacher Network (the Guardian), Edublogger .. are sites that adds to my wealth of resources. I will continue to look through these sites for professional (and personal) knowledge. BLOG .. looking at a Group project that we're already working on: Guam Preservation Trust's "EKUNGOK I ESTORIA-TA" (Listen to Our Stories)

Day 2 Multicultural Education

I feel multicultural education is important and should be taught to students.  Realizing and respecting others and their way of life in forms of language, values, food and actions is a stepping stone for students to realize that not everyone is the same.  Understanding and accepting that everyone is similar but also different in many ways will help them make sense of why people are the way they are and thats okay. 


https://blackrockdesert.org/east-fork-high-rock-canyon/   About the Black Rock Desert Playa   The Black Rock Playa in northwestern Nevada is...